Because we understand your needs
These are step one of the SUPERGAS installation process
Now switching your fuel or your supplier is easier than ever because SUPERGAS has got you covered. From designing to maintenance of the installation, we provide you end-to-end assistance. Our superior grade LPG is highly efficient and cost-effective. There are two main installation types for industrial users, namely – VOT (Vapour Off-Take) and LOT (Liquid Off-Take). There’s a third category called Super LOT (or SLOT) which is also applicable with the 33Kg LPG cylinder installation. SUPERGAS’s team of experts with varied industrial experience analyses your requirement and helps you choose the best installation type.
The 33Kg LOT (Liquid Off-Take) installation is for industrial users with higher fuel requirements. In this type of installation, liquid LPG is withdrawn from the cylinders and fed into the vapouriser, thus maintaining the temperature of the LPG cylinder. This installation is designed on the basis of IS 6044 part 1 and SMPV rules.
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