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Mass flow meter

LPG for Industry

Hassle-free installation & operation Measure your consumption aptly

with mass flow meter

You can monitor your fuel consumption with precision with our LPG flow meter

Did you know it adds to the efficiency of your process?

Industrial operations often consume a lot of LPG at a very fast rate. Sometimes it becomes difficult to manually keep track of the fuel levels. For these purposes, SUPERGAS provides you with the LPG Mass Flow Meter, a unique device which is used to measure the mass of LPG consumed in different applications in the manufacturing process. Our LPG gas flow meter is the synonym for perfection.

The Mass Flow Meter has multi-variable sensors that measure LPG flow. SUPERGAS’s well-versed team of experts carries out the installation and commissioning of the device and provides full-fledged training on the product.

How it Works

Working Principle

The Mass Flow Meter works on the Coriolis principle. In this method, a Coriolis tube placed inside the Mass Flow Meter constantly oscillates due to in-built exciters. The movement of mass through the tube, coupled with the Coriolis Principle, facilitates the oscillation of the inlet and outlet sections in different directions. The highly sensitive sensors giving us a direct measure of the flow of liquid or gas in the pipe pick up these changes. 

Why to opt for it

Benefits of MFM from SUPERGAS

  • Easy to operate and maintain

    Installation is easy and coupled with less maintenance.
  • Highly accurate measurements

    Multivariable sensors for density, temperature and viscosity.
  • Universal measuring principle

    Measuring principle is independent of the physical fluid properties.
  • Remains unaffected by the flow profile

    Measuring principle is independent of the physical fluid properties.

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