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Energy saving solutions

LPG for Industry

Save energy like a pro

Energy is valuable and essential

Saving is caring – sustainably, for the generations to come

Be a responsible user. Save energy, cost and carbon footprint

Energy sources on Earth, although in abundance, but not infinite. Therefore as responsible users, it is our duty to save them for our future generations. Saving energy isn’t difficult. And for a fuel such as LPG, which is already  economical, half the effort can give double the savings. Besides free energy consultation for your business, SUPERGAS offers a range of innovative energy-saving products such as the Heaterless Vapouriser (HLV) and the Electronic Auto Change-over Device (EACD) which help you save energy and prevent dry out situation. Additionally, cylinder installations such as the SLOT and the SLOT Plus which come pre-fitted with EACD & HLV respectively can further help you increase your savings. So now, you can become the responsible industrial consumer that you truly are.

Steps to follow

While handling LPG

A list of simple steps to help you go a long way

  • Regularly check the safety valves/joints to ensure there is no leakage.
  • Turn off the knobs when LPG is not being used.
  • Use Heaterless Vapouriser in LOT type installations.
  • Use EACD to maintain sufficient pressure before the vapouriser in your manifold.
  • Only use high quality pipes, regulators and equipment by SUPERGAS.
  • In case of spillage or leakage, contact SUPERGAS immediately.
LPG for Industry

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Customer Testimonial

Customer Talk

A structured and well-organized company to be your energy supplier, SUPERGAS has helped us switch to a more convenient and green fuel LPG from HSD (High Speed Diesel). It has benefitted us in terms of reduced cost and carbon footprint. We are immensely satisfied with their supplies and services, and icing on the cake is their value added safety training and mock drill sessions. Trust this enriching association with SUPERGAS continues with the win-win situation for us and them.