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Advancing sustainability together


Advancing Energy Together

For a cleaner, safer, and brighter tomorrow

Together We Can Power Progress

Make a positive impact by choosing LPG for your business and lead the way towards a sustainable future.

As climate change is a problem that isn’t going away, there’s never been a more important time to collectively become more aware of how we—as individuals, corporations and businesses—are affecting the planet. The general sense of urgency to address climate change is intensifying. For businesses, this means Sustainability is no longer just a marketing bonus. Sustainable practices are table stakes to create long-term value and compete in the global economy.

We believe in bringing diversity and change, where our key understanding impacts our actions – to evolve and not just to develop. We emphasize the synthesis of transformations and developments and cover all the steps that make milestones to make our goals stronger: “Courage to Care, for Generations to Come”.

SUPERGAS Infrastructure

2023- Initiatives

  • 4MW Power Purchase Agreement with our group company SunSource Energy for our Tuticorin Terminal.
  • HDPE Floating Tiles for Fire Water Tanks at 3 Filling Plants (Chotuppal, Vadakkal, Sriperumbudur)
  • 160kW additional solar installation at 3 filling plants (Kolar, Sarigam, Bavla)
  • Rolled out three CNG trucks, a move aimed at lowering our Scope 3 emission.
  • Converting asbestos roofs to PPIG sheets
  • Shifted high-value contract tendering to online RFQs and auctions, resulting in significant decrease in carbon footprint.
  • SUPERGAS Care App, an application to streamline customer interactions and reduce paper usage via digitization.

Carbon Impact & Carbon Footprint in 2023

Our Value Creation Model

SUPERGAS intends to make an impact over the short, medium and long term for our customers, people and the planet. We use the Value Creation Model below to explain our business and use the expertise at our disposal to meet goals, achieve good results and improve our impact.

0 5 1 8 9 2 t CO2 saved

Equivalent to

Carbon Footprint

Showcasing Carbon Footprint generated from all value chains in 2023, starting from extraction & production till the end use, i.e. selling LPG. This measurement will help us in reducing it in the coming years.

0 0 1 2 1 2 kt CO2 generated

Equivalent to

Sustainability Report-2023

Our commitment to the environment is unwavering. We understand the importance of responsible operations and strive to ensure that our actions positively impact the environment. To make our journey sustainable, impactful, and transparent, we are releasing our Sustainability Report for the year 2023. We aim for this report to be the benchmark for measuring our progress towards becoming an eco-friendly business.

2023 Activities and Impact

Key Highlights:

  •  Carbon footprint reduction- 1060 MT 
  •  Annual Savings- 1+ Million INR 

 Key Highlights:

  •  Asbestos-free filling plants & terminals- 1,27,074 sq. feet  
  •  1713 safety audits, 2685 safety trainings and 138 mock drills 

Key highlights:

  • Process automation using BOT- Robotic Process Automation
  • SAP transport management

Key Highlights:

  •  Free medical health check-up camps for local communities in Chennai, Khammam & Hubli
  •  Won Lapwing award for ‘Sustainable alignment of social responsibility with D&I’