Factors to be Considered While Choosing Fuel for Industries
Selecting an optimal fuel is crucial for industrial operations, as it significantly influences efficiency, cost-effectiveness, equipment durability, and environmental impact.
A case study of a customer who achieved significant cost savings and healthier environment inside the plant.
A case study of a customer who achieved significant cost savings and healthier environment inside the plant.
A case study of a customer who achieved significant cost savings, eliminated downtime due to power outages.
A case study on how choosing LPG over Furnace Oil (FO) created a pollution-free environment in and outside the industry.
A case study on how choosing LPG over Furnace Oil (FO) for efficiency and optimised industrial operations.
A case study on how choosing LPG over Furnace Oil (FO) created a pollution-free environment in and outside the industry.
A case study on how choosing LPG over High Speed Diesel for Core Drying Oven
A case study on how choosing LPG over HSD to save operational cost, improve efficiency and reliable supply.
A case study on how choosing LPG over HSD improved safety and operational efficiency.
A case study on how choosing LPG over Light Diesel Oil (LDO) to LPG for saving costs and reduce environmental impact.
A case study of how transitioning to SUPERGAS LPG from natural gas ensured unparalleled safety and dependable supply.
A case study on how choosing LPG over Natural Gas ensured efficiency of the coating process and reduced operational costs.
A case study of a customer finding the perfect propane- butane blend for their customised and bulk Aerosol-grade LPG needs.
A case study of a customer who opted LPG to guarantee consistent heat for uniform baking and prevent production stoppages.
A case study of a customer who opted LPG to improve product quality
A case study of a customer leveraging LPG for Roto moulding and choosing SUPERGAS for its reliable supply
A case study of a customer leveraging LPG for powder coating and choosing SUPERGAS for its reliable supply
A case study of a customer leveraging LPG for Roto moulding and choosing SUPERGAS for its reliable supply
Do you know why the LPG cylinder platform should always be elevated?
We should never compromise safety when it comes to handling LPG cylinders, isn’t it? It is always advisable to have an elevated cylinder platform for optimum safety, strength, and longevity. An elevated platform, 1100 mm in height, is recommended for the LPG cylinder loading and unloading. Want to know what the advantages are?
Easy loading and unloading process
An elevated platform removes the necessity of a scissor lift and extra manpower. Using the pallet trolley, the cylinders can directly be loaded/unloaded onto the platform back and forth to the delivery vehicles, eliminating the risk of droppage of cylinders and, in turn, leakage.
Easy evacuation
In case of any emergency, having an elevated platform helps the staff in the easy evacuation of the cylinders, making it easy to shift the cylinders into the vehicles in minimal time with minimal effort.
Failure of the scissor lift
In case of the scissor lift mechanical failure, there is a chance of the cylinder toppling down the height of the scissor lift onto the ground. When we have the elevated platform, the cylinders can directly be shifted from the vehicle, eliminating the risk of injuries and cylinder body damage.
Safety tips during:
1. Transportation
• Always transport the cylinders in a Vertically Upright Position
• The transport vehicle shall be covered and well ventilated
• The cylinder shall be appropriately secured while under transit
• Mixed cylinders shall be marked separately and stored separately
• The vehicle driver and helper must have proper knowledge of handling the situation in case of any leakage
2. Unloading
• The cylinder shall be unloaded at a platform near to height of the truck platform
• Do not move or roll the cylinder on its body. Always use a cylinder trolley for movement inside the plant
• Do not drop the cylinder directly on the floor or ground. Always use a proper rubber pad or proper machinery or equipment to unload the cylinders
• Never hook the cylinder around its neck, valve, or valve guard for unloading purposes
Safety is priceless & SUPERGAS invests in it- all time, every time!
Selecting an optimal fuel is crucial for industrial operations, as it significantly influences efficiency, cost-effectiveness, equipment durability, and environmental impact.
The manufacturing of pocket lighters filled with LPG in India is experiencing significant growth, driven by rising demand and advancements in production technology.
As industries struggle with rising fuel prices and environmental pressures, finding innovative ways to stretch every drop of fuel becomes crucial.
A well-chosen installation site can prevent accidents, increase productivity, and meet stringent safety regulations, all while optimizing your operations.