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Changing lives through a CHORD-SUPER GAS partnership

At SHV India, we believe in contributing to the societies in which we work. The SUPER GAS Foundation is the philanthropical arm of SUPER GAS, and is committed to helping educate less-privileged children while improving quality of life. One such initiative is construction of a school and vocational training centre in association with an NGO called CHORD.

Partnering with CHORD to create educational centres

CHORD is a non-profit organisation that helps create social change at the grassroots level. It has helped transform the lives of the disadvantaged through education, training and by providing opportunities for earning a living in a dignified way. CHORD and SUPER GAS have successfully partnered for more than a decade – SUPER GAS constructed the first school building for CHORD children in 2006. In January of 2016, SUPER GAS India constructed a second vocational training school for CHORD in Bollarum, Hyderabad, aptly named the ‘CHORD-SUPER GAS Centre for Learning [Education & Skill Development.In 2017, we contributed playschool items to the CHORD-SUPER GAS Skill Centre for tiny tots (nursery and pre-primary), including a see-saw, a junior teeter-totter, two-seater and four-seater swings, an elephant slide, an alphabetic tree, an abacus and other items requested by the centre.

Creating real impact

The SUPER GAS Foundation’s support for the operational/recurring expenses for the two schools created the following impact during the 2016-17 year

  • The rescue and education of fifty (50) children at our remedial schools (pre-primary).
  • Training in employable skills such as tailoring, computing and driving for one hundred and fifty (150) youth.
  • A 2% reduction in the target area’s child labour rate. Parents in this area often prefer to send their children to work instead of to school. CHORD ensures that these children are brought back to school to receive at least a basic level of education along with the vocational training they need to take up a decent job.
  • Employment for seven families from backward communities (you can read some testimonials below).

“Smiles do matter”

 In January of 2018, the SUPER GAS Foundation started supporting the construction of two additional school floors. The prestigious National Skill Development Centre approached CHORD to start a validated skill training centre in the Bollarum area, and the additional floors will provide the required 4000 square feet space for classrooms, training, a reception area, a library, counselling, placement and a pantry. This in turn will double our current social impact and provide more jobs to people in the surrounding communities. Once expanded, the project will become a model community development initiative that addresses pressing social issues such as women’s empowerment, skill development, education and employment.

The SUPER GAS Foundation’s motto runs throughout all of these activities: “Smiles Do Matter”. We’re pleased to say that the work we are doing as we ‘walk the talk’ for these and other initiatives is indeed bringing smiles to many children’s faces.

Some testimonials from our skill trainees

M. Punnam Chander

I am M. Punnam Chander, and my father’s name is Venkateswarlu. He works as a day labourer at Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory. I come from the village of Shanigaram in the Karimnagar District. I studied B.Tech at Kakatiya University at Warangal. After graduating, I came to Hyderabad to look for a job and went on many interviews. However, I was unable to find work because I didn’t have enough knowledge of computer skills. Then I saw the ‘Free Skill Training on Computer in Bollaram’ pamphlet from the CHORD-SUPER GAS Centre for Learning. My brother and I immediately joined. The program and its trainers taught me computer basics, MS-Office, typing skills and internet concepts. I have gained computer skills and I am able to prepare all types of reports, charts, worksheets, and tables in MS Excel. After completing my course, CHORD sent me to an interview for a data entry job, and after three days I received the message that I had been selected as a data analyst for Prometheus Patent Solutions. I am now earning Rs. 8000 a month. This success is dedicated to the CHORD -SUPER GAS Skill Centre. I am very thankful to CHORD management.

I. Saradha

 My name is I. Saradha and my husband’s name is Prakash Reddy. We live in Bollaram village, and I studied 10th class in Govt. School. I have been working in Dr. Reddy’s Lab as a daily wage worker and my husband also works at the same place. Before joining the CHORD-SUPER GAS Skill Training Centre, I had a little knowledge of tailoring but I was not perfect. I did my family’s old cloth altering works at home, but I had an interest in learning more female-oriented tailoring work. I wanted to join a tailoring training centre, but they were asking Rs.6000 a per month, and I was only earning Rs. 7000 a month, so I dropped the idea. Then a colleague told me about the CHORD-SUPER GAS Free Skill Training Centre. I joined for a free three-month tailoring course. I learned female-oriented techniques like body petticoats, sari petticoats, frocks, Punjabi dresses, umbrella dresses, sari blouses and more. Now I can do any type of ladies apparel work. After completion of my duty, I shall take in some work from my neighbours and others to earn extra daily income for home expenses. I am happy to say that this training has helped me very much. I am very thankful to the CHORD-SUPER GAS Free Skill Training program for providing this wonderful opportunity for me and others.


My name is Bhargavi. My father’s name is Madhav, and I come from Mallampet. Although all of my family members are daily wage labourers, my father suggested that I learn tailoring, and I agreed. I joined a tailoring shop near my home in Mallampet, but I was not able to learn properly because there was no good trainer or specified curriculum. As a result, I had difficulties understanding their procedure, and left. Then I joined a free skill training centre in Bollaram, but they also had a poor trainer and they closed their centre. I visited many more tailoring shops, but I did not learn good work, so I decided to go Dr. Reddy’s Lab as a daily wage helper. Then I saw the pamphlet about CHORD – SUPER GAS Free Skill Training in Tailoring at Bollaram. At first, I did not believe that the free training would be good, because of my experience at other skill training centres. But finally I joined. Here the entire procedure, syllabus and so on are different when compared to previous tailoring shops/centres. I learned many female tailoring aspects such as Anarkali (kallies, fleece & frills), Punjabi dresses, umbrella dresses, sari Blouses, sari petticoats, body petticoats, fish cuts and frocks and more. Now I can do any type of ladies work in tailoring. I have purchased a small sewing machine and do tailoring work fulltime in my home and earning Rs.6000 to Rs. 8000 a month. I am proud to say that I fulfilled my father’s dream and I have improved my life through the CHORD – SUPER GAS Free Skill Training Centre. I am very thankful to CHORD management for providing this wonderful opportunity to me. Once again thank you so much to CHORD-SUPER GAS Management.


 I am Jyotsna from Orissa, and I came to Hyderabad about five years ago. I was working at a private company, but my aim was to learn employable skills for better wages. However, my financial situation did not allow me to get into a training centre. Then I heard about the CHORD – SUPER GAS Free Skill Training Centre through a pamphlet. I visited them directly and met with management in Bollarum. They advised me to join and take three months of computer training. I had done computer courses earlier, but was not satisfied. Here, I came to understand things about computer basics that I had no idea about. Thank you to the trainer, CHORD Management and the SUPER GAS team (and especially Sreeman Sir) for giving me such a nice opportunity. Now I am very confident that I can do some productive work in the future and earn better wages.